Olivier Cornu
Make GM_PrefManager prototype-based
was committed by Olivier Cornu
Saturday Mar 28
changeset - Switch from preferences to (key, valu... was committed by Olivier Cornu 03:55 AM changeset
- getValue(): throw an Error when value... was committed by Olivier Cornu 03:55 AM changeset
- setValue(): return stored value http:... was committed by Olivier Cornu 03:55 AM changeset
- Use NsIPrefBranch *CharPref instead o... was committed by Olivier Cornu 03:55 AM changeset
- Make remove() parameter optional. If ... was committed by Olivier Cornu 03:55 AM changeset
- Rename listValues() to list() http://... was committed by Olivier Cornu 03:55 AM changeset
- Rename setValue() to set() http://git... was committed by Olivier Cornu 03:55 AM changeset
- Rename getValue() to get() http://git... was committed by Olivier Cornu 03:55 AM changeset
- Trivial: change methods order http://... was committed by Olivier Cornu 03:55 AM changeset